Tag: enc3213

Spring Volunteer Experience

A Tumblr blog created by FIU Student Joshue Lemus under the guidance of professor Darrel Elmore.

For this project, I really wanted to give my audience an understanding of why I had chosen to volunteer for Love For Our Elders. The volunteering experience was very personal to me, therefore, I wanted this to be reflected in my blog. I was also heavily inspired by the organization itself, and as a result, wanted to create something that would promote them in some way. Therefore, I created a flyer using a program called Pixlr. Overall, I loved volunteering for Love For Our Elders and devoting myself to this organization. Not only was it fun, but it was also incredibly inspiring and motivating. I can definitely see myself doing more with them in the future. And with this project, I really hope to inspire others to check them out and participate.

Feeding South Florida Experience

By Isaac Tassara, ENC3213

This blog was created for Darrel Elmore’s ENC3213 community writing project, during Spring 2021.

I wrote about my volunteering experience for Feeding South Florida.
The assignment asked to create a blog after working with a nonprofit organization. I don’t have ample experience with volunteering, and I had a great time working with FSF. It was my first time designing a website and writing a personal blog.