Blog Detail

Spring Volunteer Experience

A Tumblr blog created by FIU Student Joshue Lemus under the guidance of professor Darrel Elmore.

For this project, I really wanted to give my audience an understanding of why I had chosen to volunteer for Love For Our Elders. The volunteering experience was very personal to me, therefore, I wanted this to be reflected in my blog. I was also heavily inspired by the organization itself, and as a result, wanted to create something that would promote them in some way. Therefore, I created a flyer using a program called Pixlr. Overall, I loved volunteering for Love For Our Elders and devoting myself to this organization. Not only was it fun, but it was also incredibly inspiring and motivating. I can definitely see myself doing more with them in the future. And with this project, I really hope to inspire others to check them out and participate.